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Fines & Fees in NY. It's Not Just Ferguson.

After a police officer killed Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri in 2014, a Department of Justice investigation revealed that the police department there had engaged in racially discriminatory, aggressive policing practices driven in part by its reliance on fines and fees for revenue. Research since then has revealed that the problem goes far beyond Ferguson. Across the country and New York State, the pursuit and collection of fines and fees by law enforcement and the judiciary is often racially biased, imposed disproportionately on the poorest and most vulnerable communities, destructive for families, grossly inefficient as a solution to budget needs, and a powerful source of injustice. Lauren Jones, Legal & Policy Director of the National Center for Access to Justice, will lead this important public conversation about the harsh consequences of fines and fees, the campaign for change in New York State (including the End Predatory Court Fees Act), and the organized efforts that are  dedicated to reversing these destructive policies in New York and across the nation.


Lauren Jones, Legal and Policy Director, National Center for Access to Justice


Zach Ahmad, Senior Policy Counsel, New York Civil Liberties Union

Antonya Jeffrey, New York State Director, Fines and Fees Justice Center

Andre Ward, Associate Vice President of the David Rothenberg Center for Public Policy, The Fortune Society

Claudia Wilner, Director of Litigation and Advocacy, National Center for Law and Economic Justice

Recent Articles

Watch the Videos from NCAJ's Access to Justice Solutions Symposium of February 9, 2024

On February 9th, 2024, more than 500 peopled gathered or tuned in via stream to the AtJ Solutions Symposium. The sessions were videotaped that day. If you'd like to re-see what you saw, or see the sessions for the first time, you can do so at the links, below. Take a look, consider the progress of the access to justice movement, and join in the work to increase access to justice in America.

Update: View the Video from Webinar Introducing NCAJ's New Consumer Debt Litigation Index and Two Additional New Tools for Increasing Fairness in Consumer Debt Litigation

Update: View the Webinar (link below) from March 14, 2024, when NCAJ joined the Center for Public Health Law Research of Temple University Beasley School of Law and the National Consumer Law Center for NCLC's national webinar introducing these organizations' three new tools for increasing fairness in consumer debt litigation.

New “Consumer Debt Litigation Index” Ranks States on Best Policies for Access to Justice

The National Center for Access to Justice (NCAJ) at Fordham Law School today announced the release of the Consumer Debt Litigation Index, an on-line resource that demonstrates that every U.S. state and the District of Columbia lack essential legal standards to protect consumers from wrongful, abusive debt collection tactics that can lead to homelessness, family breakup, overwhelming stress and other devastating consequences for families and individuals. There are signs of progress and many states are trying to improve, but every state has a long way to go.